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Three Tips to Choose the Right Hijab for Your Face Shape

Whether you are a Muslim woman or not, hijabs have become ubiquitous around the world. They have become a revitalizing and fresh piece of fashion. From high-end models to a regular girl, all want to include hijab fashion in their daily wardrobe. But if you want to get the best styling effect of the hijab, you need to choose the right kind of hijab. This will largely depend on your face shape. It is of the utmost importance to choose the right square or rectangle hijab that will enhance your looks. But we understand that choosing your hijab based on your facial features can get confusing. 

And that’s why we are writing this article. This article will tell you a few important tips to choose the right hijab for your face shape. So, let’s get started!

· Figure out the shape of your jaw: This is an important factor to determine your face shape. If you have a strong jawline, then you fit into a square, rectangle shape, and diamond face shape. If you have a rounder jawline, you have a round face shape. And you have a heart-shaped face if you have a pointed chin. 

· Determine the widest part of your face: Next is to determine the widest part of your face by looking in the mirror. For a square or round face, each area of your face must be equally broad. If you find that your cheekbones are the widest, you have a diamond face. Lastly, if your forehead is the widest, you have a heart-shaped face. 

· Measure your face: Lastly, make sure to measure your face length. With a 1:1 ratio, you have a round face, and other than that you will have a long face shape. 

Boutique Nour Al Houda is amongst the leading online stores where you can buy beautiful hijabs and scarves that suit your face shape. This store was started in 1995 in Liverpool as a stand-in store. Since then, they have grown and ventured into Australia as the first Islamic clothing retailer in the country. Boutique Nour Al Houda offers a wide range of Islamic clothing for men and women. For example, you can find ladies square scarves, hijabs, abaya’s for men and women, prayer clothes, activewear, and much more. Visit the Boutique Nour Al Houda website now and choose stylish hijabs now. 

About Boutique Nour Al Houda:

Boutique Nour Al Houda is a leading online store where you can buy square scarf, hijabs, and other Islamic clothing. 

For more information, visit https://nouralhouda.com.au/

Original Source: https://bit.ly/3cRO52q